Seasons of Love

Love in the Luberon
Four seasons – spring, summer, autumn, winter
Four stages of adult life – youth, maturity, middle age, old age

Four facets of love – the innocence of romantic love, the intensity of a brief affair, the comfort of mature affection, the familiarity of more than sixty years of marriage

Omnipresent – the Luberon, that fascinating region of the Provence hinterland, with its majestic ochre cliffs, its intoxicating lavender fields, its picturesque villages and its all-pervading light

Seasons of Love is itself a declaration of love – to the Luberon, to human nature, and to life itself.

‘She not only has a keen eye for detail and a nice line in describing scenery – you can virtually smell the lavender and appreciate the precise shade of purple – but she is a born story-teller, relating all kinds of interesting and even scurrilous stories about the things that people living in the Luberon get up to, both the locals and the visitors… I found this book difficult to put down…’ Hello Basel, July 2006

‘Elizabeth Karlhuber y braque ses projecteurs sur quatre couples. C’est en Provence avec ses couleurs et ses senteurs que s’égrènent les saisons de leurs histoires d’amour. Voici une littérature « soft » où l’on sent l’auteur en parfaite osmose avec la nature et taraudée par la recherche de l’âme sœur.’ Dernières Nouvelles d’Alsace

Seasons of Love
Karlhuber Publications, CH - 4103 Bottmingen, 2004, 269 pages, CHF 32.50
ISBN: 978-3-9521990-2-2

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